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“For the price of a ticket to a basketball game, “Transcendental Basketball Blues” will not only take you courtside, but all the way back to the 1970's Midwest for no extra charge. Pemberton knows his hoops and the human heart, and this is a terrific first novel.”
~ Rus Bradburd, author of “Forty Minutes of Hell”

Celebrate March Madness with Mike Pemberton (Book Giveaway!) ~ Margo Dill's Blog

Sports, philosophy collide in basketbal novel ~ Author Interview, Margo Dill

“Pemberton deftly blends young adult and sports literature genres to create a satisfying season-in-the-life story. Jack Henderson is no paragon of Victorian virtue…but he does own up to his mistakes, and that makes him a character that young adults can respect and emulate. “Transcendental Basketball Blues” will also appeal to parents…with its portrayal of the clash of cultures that was the 1970's…while entertaining them with a top-notch sports story at the same time.”
Scott Peterson, Fiction Editor, “Aethlon: Journal of Sports Literature”
Read Scott Peterson's full review

“At the heart of Pemberton's “Transcendental Basketball Blues” is a mother's love for her son. Mary Lou gives Jack a philosophical approach to basketball, allowing him a chance to succeed in both the game and in life. Their relationship, complicated by her mental illness and familial dysfunction, makes Pemberton's novel a hauntingly compelling work of young adult sport literature.”
Kathleen Sullivan, author of “Women Characters in Baseball Literature” and co-author of “Our White Boy”


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